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Newmarket Condo Townhomes
If you find yourself living in a condo townhome in Newmarket, you will also find that (no matter where in the city of Newmarket you are) you will be very close to virtually everything that the city has to offer to you as far as amenities, recreational activities, and lavish comforts go. Condo townhomes are usually built in attached "rows" of each other, and upon purchasing it, you will have bought the townhome, yes, but you will not have purchased the land it sits on. The land a condo townhome sits on is owned by a condo corporation, and any alterations you'd make to the interior or exterior of the home would have to be passed by them first. However, that being said, you will be able to become actively engaged in a community of fellow condo townhome owners that are generally very friendly and welcoming. From whichever of the Newmarket condo townhomes for sale you chose to be your own, you'd then be able to step outside and either use the transit bus or the GO trains (from the Newmarket and East Gwillimbury stations) to get around Newmarket with ease (or even go beyond, in the case of the GO trains).
Newmarket is replete with a decent variety of amenities, most of which are concentrated on Yonge Street (which runs through the middle-western part of the city heading north and south) but still easily accessible. At the intersection of Yonge Street and Davis Drive, you have the Upper Canada Mall, which is a sizable shopping center filled with stores and boutiques designed to catch the interest of a wide array of potential customers. Other examples of these amenities include a couple of pharmacies, a couple of banks, a large number of fast food places/restaurants, a couple of coffee shops, a public library, and an LCBO, along with plenty of other various shops. You will also find that, living in one of these Newmarket condo townhomes for sale, you will also be near to plenty of wonderful parks (such as Haskett Park, Eldred King Gardens, Quaker Park, Dennis Park, Audrie Sanderson Park, Fairground Park, All Our Kids Park, and College Manor Park), many of them filled with plenty of walking/cycling trails for you to be able to use at your own leisure (so that you can be surrounded by the beautiful greenery of nature while at the same time enjoying the parks themselves).
The condo townhomes of Newmarket are not only located near amenities, but you have the immense benefit of transportation access. There are multiple major roadways that extend throughout Newmarket and provide a great deal of access to other nearby cities and towns (as well as providing access throughout the city itself); the Highway 404 is the primary highway for the city of Newmarket, allowing people to be able to hop on it and either head northward to the shores of Lake Simcoe (where an awesome fusion of watersports and beach relaxation await you) or southward past the cities of Richmond Hill and Markham right into the city of Toronto itself. The best thing about the Highway 404 is that, as it becomes the Don Valley Parkway upon reaching Toronto's city limits, it heads southward until it reaches the shores of Lake Ontario, then curving westward to become the Gardiner Expressway that services extreme downtown Toronto. So, amazingly enough, you'd be able to take a daytrip into Toronto just by using this highway and getting the opportunity to be able to experience the incredible things the downtown of the city has to offer, all before coming back to Newmarket and settling back into whichever of the Newmarket condo townhomes for sale you chose.
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